Boy are we tired! We went to the
Seattle Aquarium's Toddler Time today and it was well worth the cost of parking and hassle of wet weather. There were activities galore, and all on the floor - perfect for a 2 1/2 year old (and her friends Aiden and Aubrie). Elena went fishing and caught Grandma and Grandpa fish, Mommy and Daddy crabs, squid for herself, and a salmon for Auntie's fish tank. She made a colorful octopus, painted a flounder and rockfish,
almost touched a starfish, played the drum, and used stamps. Plus, there were books, puzzles, and puppets, costumes to dress up in, and felt boards to play with. Here's the lyrics to our new favorite song which we've sung over, and over using all the ocean animals we could think of:
(tune of Frère Jacques/Are You Sleeping)
Ocean animal, ocean animal
What's your name, what's your name?
My name is the seahorse, my name is the seahorse
Yes, it is.
You wouldn't think we'd have energy to see the rest of the aquarium after that, but a nice lunch in the dome room helped. Elena insisted we visit Dory and Nemo, and she liked looking at the jellyfish and other animals too. We got 100+ pictures today (blogger only allows 5/post).