Been awhile since we've posted... And a lot has happened!
The Saturday of Easter weekend we went to the Woodland Park Zoo with Ria and Tracy (Daddy was busy and didn't get to come). There was an Easter celebration that day, so we joined in the egg hunt.

On Easter day, we had an egg hunt in the morning, and then Elena got to go to Grandma's house for a sleepover.

Monday we picked out flowers at the store and got all the cars from Cars we didn't have yet - yay Chick Hicks!
Mommy had a bad fall on Tuesday and is currently trying to fight through the pain.
Friday, Aiden took us to the Cougar Mountain Zoo and we fed the animals.

And Aubrie is home and we got to go over to her house to have dinner and play. Who says Friday the 13th is bad?

We all took Cody to the dog wash on Saturday. Whitto thinks Cody smells good now, but we found some sores on Cody and need to get medicine from Auntie for him.
Last night Elena got sick - first time she's ever really thrown up (is that something worth remembering?).
Now it's time to start Elena's last full week as a 2 year old.