This is Auntie Tracy and Uncle Brandon's new puppy and his name is Gizmo. He is part Boston Terrier, part Chihuahua.
Elena loves to watch videos of Gizmo and look at his pictures. She can't wait for him to visit her!
Today she was Gizmo obsessed. Daddy printed out these pictures (Elena wanted to take a picture of Gizmo to sharing at school on Thursday) and Elena wouldn't let them out of her sight all morning. She showed the pictures to Warrick and all her ponies.
And she made up a song that went something like "Auntie Tracy's puppy, Auntie Tracy's puppy, Auntie Tracy's puppy is Gizmo and he's a little cute" and that went on forever and had a dance too.
For a while, she misplaced the photos and that was very distressing! But we found them and she'd show the pictures around telling whoever that his name is Gizmo and he's a little cute. If someone said back, "Yes, he's very cute," Elena would respond with, "No, he's a little cute." Silliness.