Grandpa took this nice picture of me and Mommy in the forest. Mommy and I have so much fun together!

Nonno, Nonna, Mommy, Grandpa and I all put on our hats and went mushrooming. We found lots of
chanterelles - enough for dinner - and had lots of fun in the process.

There was poison oak in the area, so Luke and I couldn't go in overgrown woods, instead we had fun at the creek. We threw in rocks, "fished" with sticks, filled holes with water, and quacked at the ducks. We were very good at taking turns with the bucket and even let
Nonno have a turn. Mommy played hide and seek with us.

We also saw a lynx! Grandpa first thought it was a kitty, but when I wanted to pet it he stopped me. It seemed very used to people being around. We also saw a herd of deer in a field.

Grandpa let me help get the mushrooms ready for cooking. I pulled them out of the bag so he could cut them, then I put them into a pan. I wasn't much help once they got on the stove because I wanted to keep adding butter. When they were cooked, I ate them! I didn't have to wait until dinner was ready like everyone else did.
Love, Elena
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