I had to take all 3 kitties AND Cody to the vet today. At least Daddy took the day off work and came with us.
I held Warrick in the car and we were all fluffy by the time we got to the vet.
There are lots of nice toys to play with at the vet.
Auntie was there too since Rai hurt her foot. Rai and I had a tea party with the poodle puppy and bunny toys.
Whitto had a big owie and they had to shave him. Po Whitto! He's so sad.
Mommy has to clean his owie and give him medicine. No more fighting with other kitties Whitto!
Love, Elena
Warrick 12 lbs 2 oz (was 13 lbs 2 oz) - you really can't tell he's lost a pound...
Whitto 16 lbs 2 oz (was 15 lbs 10 oz) - he's getting super fat so Auntie Tracy will love him most
Perrin 9 lbs 10 oz (was 8 lbs 11 oz) - maybe her "no pee" drugs are making her gain weight...
Cody 108.4 lbs (was 113 lbs last year) - lookin' good for an old man!