It was my first teeth cleaning at the dentist! I like the dentist but didn't get to sit in the blue chair. Aunt Sarah's friend Heidi works at my dentist, but she didn't clean my teeth. She does say hi to everyone though!
I got my teeth cleaned with blue raspberry toothpaste. It had Ariel sparkles in it!
I didn't like the water squirter, so I rinsed with water from a cup.
All clean and no more sugar bugs!
I was a super good girl at the dentist and got an Ariel pony as a prize. The dentist gave me a blue Dora toothbrush. After the dentist Mommy took me to Crossroads Mall to ride the ponies, train, and car. We also went shopping and I got new dresses and pants. Mommy says I'm growing so fast and all my old dresses are now shirts.
We did lots of shopping this week. Daddy took me to get Princess Fiona shoes! I love Princess Fiona! Auntie gave me a Princess Fiona coloring book, but I've almost colored it full. I need a new one please Auntie. Mommy got me new jammas - pony ones and mushroom ones.
Love, Elena
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