Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas in Kennewick

Of course the first thing on the minds of small children is, “When can we open presents?!?”DSC03021Ok, did anyone see what anyone else got? DSC03029 Elena got Sea World Barbie, Jasmine Barbie, and Sleeping Beauty Barbie from Nana and PopPop.  The beginning of a very Barbie Christmas.DSC03039 Sharing the Nintendo DSi.  The girls took some cute pictures with the DSi camera.DSC03079 Matching pjs and blinking red noses!  What kind of reindeer roars?DSC03093Each kiddo got to do their own gingerbread house.  Zachy was lucky his cousins Ruby and Nattie were there to help him, otherwise he would have had a bare house and an upset tummy.  I think he only put one candy on the actual house.DSC03110

Thanks for hosting a wonderful Christmas Nana and PopPop!

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