Luke was able to join Elena one day for swim lessons. Even though arrangements were made the day before, it was a suprise to Teacher Patty! But Teacher Patty is great and of course welcomed Luke to her class. Aiden was grateful to have another boy in the class...
The pool has a new platform so the little kids don't have to hold on to the wall all the time. This is especially great for the shorter kids (not Elena who is an Amazon).
Teacher Patty puts little fish and rings on the platform so the kids can practice reaching under water, or putting their face in the water. This gives them something to do while she works on their individual back floats.
Later in the week Luke and Elena got to go to the drop-in parent-tot swim at the pool. Elena loved it when Mommy took her to the deep end on the marshmallow stick!

Roots, stems, leaves...
Zachy's early Montessori class sang at the talent show today. So stinkin'
12 years ago
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