Auntie was nice enough to give us a ride to the River House. Elena was in heaven because Pit, Maven, and Rainey were all in the car too.
Elena was nice enough to share her Ariel sunglasses with Pit.
We went swimming at the community pool with Luke and afterwards played at the playground. This teeter-totter was fun, but Elena preferred the spring pony.
And of course a trip to the River House means mushrooming. Elena did reach her goal of finding a big big mushroom and a little baby mushroom. Both of which she enjoyed eating (along with everybody else's find...).
The mosquitoes were horrible in the woods and no matter how much bug spray we used, everyone got a bite or two. Poor Elena had to go potty in the forest and those fast bugs got her right on the bum!
Roots, stems, leaves...
Zachy's early Montessori class sang at the talent show today. So stinkin'
12 years ago
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