Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Remlinger Farms in as fun as ever!

We couldn’t stop having fun!  Elena wanted to go on all the rides at least once, and Zachy was more than willing to give them a try (this was his first visit).

It’s great that Elena is so comfortable at Remlinger and always excited for the next activity.DSC00882 We met up with Aubrie and Mark and Aunt Kiki too.  Aubrie was willing to ride the boats with Elena.  They were bummed that the ducks weren’t in the water, someone must have tossed them out.DSC00889 What’s a trip to Remlinger without a pony ride or two?  At least Elena is willing to get off the horses now to take a ride in the flying pumpkins or the antique cars.  Not sure of this pony’s name…  They were in labeled stalls but the pony wranglers said those weren’t their names.DSC00907 The girls in one car and the little boys in a different car with their mommies.  Watch out for the turkeys!DSC00916 Elena loved feeding the baby goats.  She also fed the rabbits, sheep, ducks, and chickens.  I think her favorite part of feeding is putting the quarter in the machine and having it dispense food…DSC00927This was a new activity for us, the hay trampoline and maze!  We never spent much time in here before but the girls just loved it.DSC00952 Jumping down.DSC00953 Running around.DSC00963 Almost too big for this ride?DSC00975 Such happy campers!DSC00977 Zachy was tired, but Elena needed one more go on the roller coaster.  So proud of her for going it alone, and she had a blast!DSC00979

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fort Flagler, a family campout with Elena’s school

Elena’s school had a family campout at Fort Flagler near Port Townsend, WA.  We slept in barracks, ate meals in a cafeteria, and enjoyed spending time as a family with other Montessori families and Elena’s teachers.  We will definitely go back next year!

DSC00817 Elena had fun playing with Amelia (of course) and Ava who will be joining her class in the fall.DSC00820 There were Papillion puppies everywhere!  Elena’s teacher Katie has one and the rest of the litter are scattered about other school families.DSC00823

Elena enjoyed the beach very very much, especially collecting and arranging the shells she found.DSC00827  It was chilly!  Not sure why she isn’t shivering!DSC00828 Besides the beach, we visited the gunnery, haunted hospital, and took the general tour of the old naval site.DSC00829This was her prize find – a crab claw. DSC00832 Thanks to everyone who planned the campout!  We really had no idea what to expect and were pleasantly surprised with the activities, accommodations, and food.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting excited for camping!

Woo hoo!  Got a new tent big enough for the whole family (and some pets – get out of there Whitto!).DSC00778Looks like our camping trip should be a success if the kids are allowed free-play in the tent. DSC00780Love the enclosed entry to keep pesky pests out and little babies in.DSC00791

We plan to camp our way to Colorado and back in July.  Looking forward to two weeks of outdoor family fun.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Last day of school!

Before the Kindergarten graduation ceremony, the whole class performed a song.


Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.

The roots hold the plant in the ground,

They gather up the water that falls around.

And there's a root inside of me

Because a carrot is a root that I eat.

That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.

The stem is an elevator up from the ground,

The water goes up and the sugar back down

And there's a stem inside of me

Because celery is a stem that I eat.

That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.

The leaves are the kitchens where the food is done

They breathe the air and catch rays from the sun.

And there's a leaf inside of me

Because lettuce is a leaf that I eat.

That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.

The flowers are dressed so colorfully,

They hold the pollen and attract the bees.

And there's a flower inside of me

Because cauliflower is a flower I eat

That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.

The fruit gets ripe, then falls on down

It hold the seeds and feeds the ground.

And there's a fruit inside of me

Because an apple is a fruit that I eat.

That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.

The seeds get buried in the earth,

And the cycle starts again with a new plant's birth.

And there's a seed inside of me

Because sunflower is a seed that I eat.

That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let's feed the ducks!

We went to bounce and then feed the ducks at Country Village.

DSC00559 Elena thought this rooster was extra pretty.  She threw bread to the chickens too.DSC00562 Elena had so much fun watching the ducks stick their heads underwater and put their tail feathers in the air!  It made her laugh.DSC00567 She found a group of large babies and tossed them some bread too.  Everyone got a fair share!  Those are nettles in the foreground that stung Mommy when she was taking pictures - ouch!DSC00597 Here's the nest of "babies."DSC00606

We're using Windows Live Writer to post blogs now.  We can add interesting frames to the pictures and use color options too.  Bonus that we can choose what date to have each entry posted on.  What do you think?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Horseback riding

Elena and Auntie are taking a horseback ride in the Lake Wenatchee State Park.
Icicle Outfitters and Guides provided the horse and the guide.

Just a couple of (careful) cowgirls waiting for their steed.

Gina, our guide, leads our mount, Belle, out of the "loading dock" to the start of the trail.
(Elena kept calling our horse "Jasmine" instead of Belle--I guess those Disney princesses are interchangeable.)

Off to our trailriding adventure! Giddyup, Belle!

Belle's back end from her back.

Belle's front end from her back. And in front of Belle is Gina's horse, Smoke.

Elena finally gets rid of Auntie and looks like she's ready to ride off on her own. Too bad Belle is tied up to the hitching post...

Ahh the memories...

This video reminds us of Elena being pulled in this sled through snow by Cody. If I find the video, I'll post it below.

Pool time at Grandma's

We are so excited the pool by Grandma's is open now! Elena loved the opportunity to try out her Ariel swim gear complete with goggles, flippers, and hand gloves! She liked watching Zachy splash everywhere he went.
Is she a dolphin here? Her dolphin name is Sweetwind. Zachy was a hippo named Sir Daiquiri. They both went to visit Mrs. Calabash (aka Grandma). Make believe is fun at the pool!
Everyone pile on Mommy for a ride to the deep end (only 5ft).
Practicing some water ballet.

We are really looking forward to our summer at the pool!