Friday, May 13, 2011

Morel hunting

Zachy just loves pulling the Morels out of the ground and putting them in the bag!  His favorite ones are the big, big, big ones!
He gets creative with them too.  He put one on the end of a stick and called it a marshmallow, putting them on his fingers is fun too.  Something about the hole in the stem...
But really Zachy's favorite part of mushrooming is having his own whistle to blow.

Horses horses!

Elena is collecting Breyer horses now.  She has 15!  This is more than Auntie has and she is very proud of that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gardening season commences, finally!

After rain, rain, rain, rain and some more rain it was finally sunny and warm enough (for one day, so far) to get the tomato starts from Grandpa and plant them in their comfy little beds.
Gently, gently Elena removed them from their baby beds and planted them where all grown-up tomatoes need to be to spread their roots and make juicy, juicy fruits.

And, of course, there was the planting audience of Rainey "guarding" the chicks (l-r; Phantom, Black Ghost (under Phantom), Butter and Caramel).

Elena also decided to see if Whitto really will eat anything placed in front of him. I'm pretty sure the photographic evidence of a weed in his mouth is all we need to confirm that theory.