Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jell-o Pudding Art!

We had to find a new medium for finger painting if Zachy was going to participate too.  It was not a day to deal with paint in the hair…

Elena was a big help mixing the pudding and helping choose the colors.  She thought the lemon flavor was tasty, but would have preferred strawberry.  Do they even make strawberry pudding?!?DSC02352She wrote her name, and painted some rainbows.  They smelled delicious! DSC02351

Monday, August 24, 2009


We were all so excited for Elena to play soccer this year!  She got a pink ball and pink soccer cleats and looked so sporty!DSC02320Then she started going to practices and games and she was really clingy and didn’t want to participate.  Coach Angie was wonderfully patient and let Elena shadow her on the field. DSC02317 She was the only girl on her team, but all the boys were very nice and encouraged her at every step.DSC02319 She will definitely play again next year!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Woodland Park Zoo with Lisa

We hadn’t been to the zoo since they finished the new penguin exhibit.  Of course we had to go with Lisa because she loves, loves, loves penguins! DSC02215 The new exhibit made penguin viewing easy for all ages.  Elena liked the windows into the water best.DSC02220 Lisa wished they were sitting by a real penguin.DSC02226 Elena and Lisa had fun feeding the birds too.  Elena was a bit hesitant at first with all the birds swooping around overhead, but she came to love holding out the food sticks for the birds.DSC02232 Close enough to touch!DSC02237 Comparing her hand with the hand of an orangutan.  Big difference!DSC02279 The petting zoo was fun too (but no penguins to pet).  Elena liked the little mule and the sheep the most.DSC02291 Zachy was nice enough to give Elena a ride on his tractor.DSC02303

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bike on Deck!

The bike doesn’t drive well on the grass, so Elena used her head and rode it on the deck instead.DSC02186 She was nice enough to take Zachy for a ride too.DSC02185

Friday, August 14, 2009

Active at Grandma’s

I took all my Barbies to Grandma’s house.  We put clothes on everyone and had a big, fancy wedding.  All the Barbies took turns getting married.  Then they danced afterwards!DSC02151 I made a zoo.  All the animals were in their pens.  I sorted them by type of animal.  I sold tickets to the zoo and Mommy and Grandma came to visit.  Zachy wanted to come too.  I let him help feed the animals!DSC02124 Love, Elena

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Camano Island with Ruby and Nattie

Elena just loves spending time with her cousins Ruby and Nattie.  We spent a weekend at Camano going on treasure hunts, having pony parties, and eating!DSC01963Elena found PopPop’s fishing lure in the rocks.  He was very happy to have it back! DSC01981 Elena rode in the boat to help collect the crab pots.  Motor was busted so Uncle Greg had to do a lot of rowing!DSC01994 Smiles all around!DSC02020 Aunt Sarah helped everyone find walking sticks.DSC02061The kids tried to skip the stones, but that was tricky.  Seeing who could throw the furthest was fun!DSC02046Elena was having such a great time that she stayed an extra night for a sleepover with Ruby and Nattie.  Nana and PopPop were nice enough to drop her off on their way home.